How to care for your bikini:

All of our swimsuits contain spandex, which can stretch out and break down from exposure to perspiration, body oils, chlorine, and heat. That’s why it’s important to remove contaminants as soon as possible after use with mild soap and cold water. This will help keep your swimsuit healthy and happy for as long as possible.

Washing swimwear is easy, but it should be done by hand. If you absolutely must wash a bathing suit in the washing machine, it’s best to put it in a mesh bag meant for delicate garments, use an ultra-mild detergent, and choose the delicate cycle.

Tip #1

Always wash your bikini in cold water immediately after each use, preferably with a swimwear cleaner like Aqua Mate (this is our personal favorite. We are not affiliated nor do we profit in any way by telling you this).

Tip #2

Always dry by laying flat and away from the sun. Do not twist or “wring” to sqeeze the water out.

Tip #3

Never use bleach.

Tip #4

Avoid sitting on rough surfaces